To quote Picasso: Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees but what he feels and about what he tells himself what it is he sees.

Painting for me is exactly that. It is a dialogue between myself and painting, an on going journey of feelings expressed through the act of painting and the physicality of paint.

As my life has been and is still one of many varied experiences, my paintings tend to be somewhat eclectic. However colour forms a major role in response to each and every different experience.

In the words of Paul Klee, I would like to be able to make the invisible visible and encourage others to see and look beyond the surface.



  • M.A in Visual Arts
  • West Dean College affiliated to The University Of Sussex.


  • B.A (hons) in Fine Art.
  • Winchester School of Art.


  • Foundation in Visual Arts.
  • Portsmouth University.